Pharmacy Times
Pharmacists in Illinois have accusedthe state's governor of insulting theirprofession and belittling pharmacy'scontribution to the health care system.The accusation was part of a disputethat has been brewing for nearly a yearsince Governor Rod Blagojevich issuedan emergency order requiring pharmaciesin Illinois to dispense prescriptionmedicines "without delay."That policywas aimed at preventing pharmacistsfrom using ethical or religious considerationsas a basis for refusing to fill prescriptionsfor emergency contraceptives.
Blagojevich added fuel to the fire latelast year during a televised interview inwhich he equated the pharmacist's rolein dispensing drugs to "checking out groceriesin a supermarket."
Calling the governor's remarks"patently unfair,"representatives of theIllinois Pharmacists Association saidthat those statements "gravely insultthe profession's contribution to healthcare and the patient care services pharmacistsprovide."