Pharmacy Times
A new survey by the pharmaceuticalindustry has identified >900 new medicinesin development to treat diseases ofthe elderly. The study's findings show thatresearch-based drug companies nowhave 146 medicines in the pipeline forheart disease and stroke, plus another399 promising new treatments for cancer.
Additionally, the industry is working on27 new pharmaceuticals to address theproblems caused by Alzheimer's disease.Health experts say that disease couldafflict as many as 16 million people bythe middle of this centuryunless a cure is found.
The survey results, releasedin a report from thePharmaceutical Researchand Manufacturers of America (PhRMA),also identified 19 new drugs under developmentto treat depression, 48 for diabetes,and 17 for Parkinson's disease.Other medicines address bladder and kidneydiseases, eye disorders, gastrointestinaldisorders, osteoarthritis, pain, prostatedisease, respiratory and lung disorders,rheumatoid arthritis, and skin conditions.
"Research-based pharmaceutical companiesare actively searching for treatmentsand cures to help patients livehealthier lives as they age,"said BillyTauzin, president and chief executiveofficer of PhRMA.