Pharmacy Times
Researchers report that a combination of 3 medicines—aspirin,blood pressure-lowering beta-blockers, and cholesterol-loweringstatins—may more effectively improve the chances of survival forpatients with heart disease than any of those taken alone. A studyconducted at the University of Nottingham, England, showed thatthe combination resulted in an 83% reduction in deaths amongthese patients. The study is the first large-scale, long-term trial to finddifferent drug combinations effective in the reduction of the risk ofdeath in patients with heart disease. Experts have previouslybelieved that a statin-aspirin-beta-blocker combination, along withfolic acid, should be developed into a single pill that could be takenby all seniors 55 and older. Although the study suggests that such apill could help patients with preexisting heart disease, there is no evidenceto suggest that this pill should be prescribed for all seniors.
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