Pharmacy Times
Simple planning can reduce asthmasymptoms and the need for emergencymedications for asthmatic children. Thestudy, reported in the Archives of Pediatrics& Adolescent Medicine (September2004), found that a "planned-care method"can improve children's asthma by anticipatingtheir need for care. The approachrequires regularly scheduled visits withspecially trained nurses to help familieslearn how to foresee asthma symptomsand to more effectively manage thosesymptoms. The method also involves moreasthma management education for physicianstreating children with asthma.
The researchers based their findingson a study of 638 children, aged 3 to 17,who received asthma care. At theconclusion of the 2-year study, theparticipants receiving planned care had13 fewer days of symptoms a year andneeded a third less medication, comparedwith children who received standardasthma care.
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