Pharmacy Times
The Pharmaceutical Research andManufacturers of America (PhRMA)recently established a database( to bettercommunicate the results of clinicalstudies of marketed drugs. The on-linedatabase has results of all controlledclinical trials, both positive and negative,since October 2002 for PhRMA-member-company drug productsapproved in the United States. Thedatabase allows PhRMA member companiesto post information about theircompleted clinical trials, providingphysicians, patients, and others with acentral location to search for andreview the information.
Visitors to the Web site will find theinformation presented in a standardformat that includes the sponsoringcompany's name, the proprietary andgeneric names of the drug, a link or referenceto the FDA-approved drug label,and the studied indication or disease.
MDMA Rejected: The Story of a Study Participant Entrenched in Ethical Violations and a Data Breach