Pharmacy Times
The 2004 Chain Pharmacy IndustryProfile is now available from theNational Association of Chain DrugStores (NACDS) Foundation. Commentingon the profile, Craig L. Fuller,president and chief executive officer ofthe NACDS, said that chain pharmacytoday ranges from companies with 4stores and revenues of several milliondollars a year to a chain with morethan 5000 stores and over $30 billionin annual revenue. In terms of prescriptionsfilled in 2003, 42% werefilled at chain pharmacies, 18.8% atindependent drugstores, 17.2%through mail order, 12.3% at supermarkets,and 9.6% at mass merchants.
The publication also includes otherdata on the chain drug industry. Forexample, chain drugstores nowaccount for 52% of all drugstores,compared with 37% in 1991. Furthermore,in 2003, generics accounted for46% of all drugs dispensed, up by 16%from 1990.
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