Pharmacy Times
STADAPharmaceuticals Inc (Cranbury, NJ) recently launched an interactive Web site ( for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. The comprehensiveWeb site features information about RA, tools for improving patient compliance and supportingtreatment, and information about Rheumatrex Dose Pack (methotrexate sodium tablets).
Education is a key component of the Web site. Visitors can learn about RA's symptoms, diagnosticprocedures, available treatments such as drug therapy and diet and exercise, and answersto the most commonly asked questions. The Web site also features downloadable brochures forpatients and health care providers.
Furthermore, the Web site allows patients taking Rheumatrex Dose Pack to register for theCompliance and Patient Empowerment program. The program enables participants to access avariety of interactive tools, including a scheduler, which lets patients keep track of their physicianappointments and other related appointments. Patients can also maintain a record of medicationtaken and record their diet and exercise regimen.
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