Pharmacy Times
Initia Inc and its network providers, ClickPharmacy and G2 Communications, havejoined the nationwide effort to educate consumers about diabetes by conducting the firstof a series of manufacturer-sponsored health fairs. The National Diabetes Health Fair willbe held in November 2004 at participating independent pharmacies nationwide.
In response to a growing health concern, this health fair will allow diabetic patients andcandidates to obtain education and awareness about the disease by consulting their pharmacist.The fair will promote diabetes prevention and disease-management techniquesthrough risk-factor analysis and will gather consumers' information to provide personalizedprogramming in the future.
Open to the public, the fair will have pharmacists conducting risk assessment tests forpatients wanting information about their own risk for diabetes and providing current patientswith information that pertains to them. The participants will be given promotional materialfrom sponsoring manufacturers, other health information, and product samples designedfor diabetics. For more information about the event, visit, or
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