Pharmacy Times
Career women are in betterhealth than unemployed women,indicated the results of a study presentedat the American SociologicalAssociation annual meeting(August 16, 2004). For the study,data from the General SocialSurvey were used to examinetrends in American women's self-ratedhealth and employmentbetween 1974 and 2000. The surveyresults showed that more USwomen are working, more of themare working longer hours, and moreof them are combining full-timework with raising a young child.
Furthermore, women overall continueto experience better health,compared with earlier years, andthis trend is a reflection of thegrowing number of workingwomen, the study said. The studyconcluded that the health benefitsthat women get from working arenot weakened by longer workhours or combining longer workhours with those of a spouse.
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