Pharmacy Times
Researchers may have found a possible link between theuse of multivitamin supplements and the risk of food allergiesand asthma. In a study of 8000 infants involved in a governmentalstudy that followed mothers and their children since1991, there was "an association between early infant multivitaminintake and asthma among black infants and an associationbetween early infant multivitamin intake and food allergies informula-fed infants." The study also found an increased risk offood allergies among children given multivitamins at age 3.Researchers found that in animal studies certain vitamins causecell changes that may increase the odds of an allergic responseto certain antigens. If results of this study are further proved, itmay prompt changes in recommendations for vitamin supplementsin order to reduce the risk of food allergies and asthma.As for the higher incidence of asthma among the black population,researchers point to a possible problem in physician-parentcommunication.
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