Pharmacy Times
A $2-million gift from Pfizer GlobalResearch and Development will establishthe University of Connecticut'sSchool of Pharmacy's first distinguishedchair. The Pfizer Distinguished EndowedChair in Pharmaceutical Technologywill allow the pharmacy school toappoint a nationally recognized researcher,scholar, and teacher who hasmade significant contributions to thefield of pharmaceutical technology.
Pharmaceutical technology (theapplied science for the development ofdosage forms) addresses product developmentfor diverse medicinal agents. It alsoencompasses the physical and engineeringsciences of drug delivery by multipleroutes (oral, intravenous, and injection).
Proceeds from the endowment willbe earmarked to support the chairholder's academic activities, includingpre- and postdoctoral graduate fellowshipsand a pharmaceutical technologysymposium. Also, the chair holder'sresponsibilities will include conveninga working group of representativesfrom the University of Connecticutand Pfizer to support the advancementof pharmaceutical technology at thepharmacy school.