Pharmacy Times
During the recent Compounders onCapitol Hill event, a legislative conferencesponsored by the InternationalAcademy of Compounding Pharmacists(IACP), attendees met to discusspharmacy issues. One issue was therecent FDA guidance that prohibitspharmacists and veterinarians frompreparing custom medications frombulk drugs for companion animals.
For the last 10 years, compoundingpharmacists have spoken on behalf ofpharmacy compounding by meetingin Washington to educate legislatorsabout the necessity of individualizedmedications. "Due to our members'efforts on the Hill this year, 48 Congressmenand 18 Senators signed on tosponsor the rescission of this fundamentallyflawed guidance," said IACPExecutive Director L.D. King. "Wemust let Congress know that our petpopulation will needlessly suffer if thepresent policy is adopted?."