

Pharmacy Times


"Yo Dude, Take Ur Inhaler"

Text messaging reminders to use an inhaler given via cell phones may help young people with asthma better remember to take their medications, researchers reported in a letter in the British Medical Journal (September 14, 2002). The researchers studied 30 people (aged 10 to 46 years) with asthma. Each day for 1 month, the subjects received a text message on their cell phone containing a reminder to use their inhaler, health education tips, and safety messages streamed into other lifestyle-related text messages. The messages were sent from a ?virtual friend? and were written in youth-friendly text (eg, ?Yo dude, its Max reminding U 2 take ur inhaler?). The majority of the subjects said that the text messages caused them to use their inhaler more often on a regular basis. They also liked the tone and style of the messages. Many patients even replied back to the messages.

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