Pharmacy Times
When used correctly, at-home diagnostic tests can prompt patients to seek early medical intervention, which is why proper counseling is important.
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Ms. Terrie is a clinical pharmacy writerbased in Haymarket, Virginia.
Adapted from reference 2.
Pharmacists can be a patient'sbest resource with regard to theproper selection of the variousat-home diagnostic and monitoring testscurrently on the market. These productsfall into the personal diagnostics category.At-home diagnostic tests may assistpatients in detecting or monitoring certainmedical conditions, according tothe FDA's Office of In Vitro DiagnosticDevice Evaluation and Safety.1 At-hometesting provides various advantages,such as privacy, convenience, ease ofuse, and low cost. The FDA classifies athometest kits into 2 categories1:
Self-diagnostic kits provide patientswith information about their currenthealth condition, which enables themto make informed decisions. Althoughthe use of diagnostic kits may be convenient,the kits should never replace afollow-up visit with a physician. Properuse of these tests and adhering to themanufacturer's directions regardingtesting protocol are crucial to obtainingaccurate results.2 At-home diagnostictests may provide a patient with valuableinformation and enable patients toseek medical intervention earlier, preventingfurther medical complications.The Table lists some of the varioustypes of at-home tests available.
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Adapted from references 1 and 2
The FDA requires that at-home testsperform as well as those used by healthcare professionals; however, thesetests must be used properly to ensureaccurate results.2 Pharmacists can bea fundamental source of informationfor patients seeking the use of at-homediagnostic test kits, as well as makingcertain that patients are adequatelycounseled on their proper use. Oftenthe selection of appropriate at-hometests may be based on ease of use, easeof interpreting results, presence of acontrol, and cost.2
During counseling, pharmacists alsomay assess the patient's symptoms andascertain if immediate medical evaluationis warranted. It is important forpatients to consult with a health careprofessional, if needed, as well as thepatient information hotlines found inmost kits, if patients are unsure abouttest results or testing procedure. Patientsalso should be reminded thatalthough these testing kits may be beneficial,patients should always maintainroutine visits to their primary healthcare provider.
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Colorectal Screening
Drug Abuse
Hepatitis C
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
Urinary Tract Infection
Yeast Infection
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