Reimbursement Cuts Trigger Reduced Pharmacy Hours
Minnesota Governor's Web Site Promotes Cut-Rate Canadian Rxs
Federal Study Uncovers Risky Prescribing for America's Seniors
Syndrome X ? another dangerous side effect of obesity
Obesity may cause hormonal imbalance, infertility
Dow to develop obesity treatment
Pharmacy Boards Urged to Alert Pharmacists to OTC/Rx Dangers
The Rush Is On to Issue Medicare Drug Discount Cards
Asthma Treatment: Guidelines and Medications
A Point About Levothyroxine
Pharmacist Finds Drugs Hidden Behind Refrigerator
Trafficking in Prescription Drugs
FDA May OK Generic Forms of Biotech Drugs
Counseling Inner-City Youth with Asthma
Generic Drug Market Continues Expansion
Information Steers Consumers Toward Low-Cost Drugs
Modest Salt Diet Will Not Affect Cholesterol
Apo B Gene May Be Harmful in Old Age
Heart Failure Mortality Is Reduced with Statins
Eradicating H Pylori Improves HDL Levels
Cold Water Indicates Heart Risks
Scientists Identify a Novel Protein
Web Site Offers "Ask the Pharmacist"
Prevention Is Target of Program
Study Uncovers Insulin-Producing Cells
High Iron Levels May Point to Diabetes
Autonomic Dysfunction Correlates with Gastroparesis in Cirrhosis
Proper Oral Hygiene Thwarts Swelling
Tegaserod Helps Chronic Constipation
Acid-Related Diseases Are Prevalent