
The Value of a Pharmacist in LTC Health Care

Pharmacy Times® interviewed Tim Safley, MBA, the Program Director of Accreditation Commission for Health Care, on the value of a pharmacist in the LTC health care space.

Pharmacy Times® interviewed Tim Safley, MBA, the Program Director of Accreditation Commission for Health Care, on the value of a pharmacist in the LTC health care space.

Alana Hippensteele: Today, I’m speaking with Tim Safley, the Program Director of Accreditation Commission for Health Care, about the value of a pharmacist. What do you view as the value of a pharmacist in the LTC health care space, Tim?

Tim Safley: I think the most important thing, and again, I want to thank you for asking me, because I think one of the most important things that we see today is the value of the pharmacist being part of the health care team. Too many times we see in the long-term care space, they go in, they do their job, and they just leave. There's nothing wrong with doing your job, but what we see with the pharmacist themselves, especially in long-term care facilities, is they can be an advocate for the patient, and they are such an advocate for the patient that they can really determine the activities of daily living, or the quality of life of every patient that they serve. And sometimes that's forgotten because it becomes so routine, and I think it's so important. That's why we developed a long-term care accreditation to show the importance of the interaction that is always delivered by that pharmacy to take care of their patients and to make their quality of life better.

Alana Hippensteele: Absolutely. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today, Tim.

Tim Safley: Thank you.

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