
Technician Product Verification Successful in Iowa

In this video from the National Association of Chain Drug Store's Total Store Expo (NACDS TSE), Anthony Pudlo, PharmD, MBA, Vice President of Professional Affairs at the Iowa Pharmacy Association, talks about technician product verification in Iowa, and how this has benefitted both technicians and pharmacists.

In this video from the National Association of Chain Drug Store's Total Store Expo (NACDS TSE), Anthony Pudlo, PharmD, MBA, Vice President of Professional Affairs at the Iowa Pharmacy Association, talks about technician product verification in Iowa, and how this has benefitted both technicians and pharmacists.


Anthony Pudlo, PharmD, MBA

So, what we're seeing in Iowa is that pharmacy technicians playing a much bigger role through our new practice model research, taking a lot of lessons learned from our hospital colleagues that have been utilizing technicians in what's very commonly called tech-check-tech in those settings. We've used the phrase technician product verification. So, that's freeing up the pharmacist to be more engaged in direct care opportunities there, but pharmacy technicians in this role through some added training and really clear policies and procedures have been to able to conduct that final verification step. While the DUR, or the drug utilization review, process is still being done by a pharmacist, the actual just double checking what was filled is in the bottle and matches what's on the screen. You can imagine through the use of some technology, and with some added technician training, it's really done a great to job to really let that pharmacy technician play a bigger role in the pharmacy.

For more from the NACDS Total Store Expo, visit our Conference Coverage web page.

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