The ACC Scientific Session is hosted by the American College of Cardiology. The sessions provide forums for the latest practice updates and changes in care in cardiology pathways.
Study: PCSK9 Inhibitor Reduces Cardiovascular Death by 25% in One Year
Evolocumab offers a 25% reduction in cardiovascular (CV) death, heart attack, or stroke after the first year.
Zika Virus May Cause Heart Failure, Arrhythmias, Study Suggests
Small case report found an association between the Zika virus and cardiovascular complications.
Repatha Shows Promise Treating Cardiovascular Disease
FOURIER trial meets its primary composite endpoint reducing cardiovascular risk factors.
High Blood Pressure May Not Lead to Higher Death Risk
Some high-risk patients have better than expected outcomes due to frequent follow-up by physicians.
Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Are Safe After Heart Attacks
The study from Sweden found a substantial benefit for men taking the class of drugs that was discovered by accident when researchers were developing a treatment for angina 2 decades ago.
Ceramides Can Predict Who Will Develop Heart Disease, Study Finds
The study finds that this biomarker can show which patients may develop heart disease even if they have no current blockage or elevated cholesterol levels.
Marijuana Use Linked to High Risk of Heart Failure, Stroke
Researchers have identified another high associated with marijuana use: the risk of heart failure and cerebrovascular accidents.