Patient-controlled analgesia typically consists of opioids or local anesthetics, but it may also include non-opioid analgesics or other medications.
Aspirin, known as acetylsalicylic acid, has been marketed in ways that have de-emphasized potential risks to children.
Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating disease affecting many Americans. Pharmacists can help patients control the symptoms that impact their quality of life.
Pharmacists should be vigilant in recognizing medications that are causing insomnia in a patient's profile or electronic medical record.
It is vital to have a robust controlled substance monitoring program to promptly identify and mitigate drug diversion.
Metformin has been the drug of choice for the treatment of diabetes since the 1950s, but new changes suggest the consideration of SGLT-2 inhibitors or GLT-1 agonists.
This year the world’s first stem cell register celebrates its 50th anniversary.
Pharmacists hold a vastly underrecognized role within the care team—a role that offers a unique approach toward the therapeutic management of rare diseases.
It is vital for health care teams to recognize the signs and symptoms of antiphospholipid syndrome and to identify the severity of a patient’s diagnosis based on their aPL profile.
Although COVID-19 paused our original plans, we were ultimately able to reach more people than we ever could have via in-person presentations alone.
Consider patients' disease states, medication regimens, and other regularly used nonprescription drugs.
Eating regimen shows many health benefits, but the diet may not be appropriate for all patients.
Combining medication history information from multiple sources improves the completeness and accuracy of the medication information.
Pharmacists can debunk the myths and provide the facts about treatment for bronchitis.
New treatments with biological agents and vaccines are creating a pathway for patients with metastatic CRC.
Pursuant to the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act, CMS has released a draft Measure Development Plan detailing steps the federal government will take to incorporate measuring and reporting of quality measurements.
Increases in the number of cancer cases being diagnosed and treated likely will drive cost trends for antineoplastic enzyme inhibitors.
This study presents the first information available regarding enablement and use by state and area characteristics of electronic prescribing of controlled substances by prescribers and pharmacy systems in from an e-prescribing network.
Resulting economic decline Is forces many to make hard choices about medications, but pharmacists can increase awareness and offer solutions.
Adherence to medications can aid in preventing and treating CVD.
The power of the payer in the specialty space continues to grow in the era of health care consolidation.
The overuse of antimicrobials is associated with antimicrobial resistance, which is now a global crisis.
The Practice Advancement Initiative from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists seeks to transform how pharmacists care for patients by empowering the pharmacy team to take responsibility for medication-use outcomes."
Integrated, coordinated care and access to the electronic medical record provide many unique opportunities to enhance overall care and decrease costs associated with hepatitis C therapy.
The cost of complex therapies is soaring, and the challenge is to deliver access to these medications in the most cost-effective and clinically appropriate site of service.
Recently published data from a survey of commercial health plans reveal the latest trends and emerging strategies in oncology management.