The growing cost of specialty products places greater importance on the support that patients receive.
Randy McDonough has bettered the field through his tireless work on behalf of patients, with a special focus on medication therapy management.
Pharmacosynchrony is the application of innovative clinical, analytic, and technologic pharmacy solutions to drive improved care coordination and higher-quality, more patient-centered care.
The implementation of a data warehouse, a relational database for query and analysis, can help a specialty pharmacy utilize its data to the fullest.
Patient characteristics and product mix play an important role in determining the overall use and costs of comparable insulins across different manufacturers.
A controlled trial of a system for rectifying and preventing drug-related problems was conducted to evaluate improvement in the efficiency of resource utilization.
Expensive specialty drugs are a growing concern that are traditionally overlooked in drug diversion efforts.
Fidaxomicin has shown promise as an effective treatment option for Clostridium difficile infections, but no pharmacoeconomic studies have been performed to date.
Ozanimod (Zeposia) became the third oral S1P modulator approved by the FDA for the treatment of multiple sclerosis,
A systematic review recently reported that antidepressants were beneficial for GERD patients " curbing esophageal sensation and reducing functional chest pain.
The recently released CDC Annual Surveillance Report of Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes presents a clearer picture for how has opioid prescribing been trending in the last 3 years.
After the Oklahoma case ruling, Johnson & Johnson stocks rallied, but the ruling is a warning to industry leaders that change is necessary.
Innovative pharmacists have taken immunizations, including the influenza vaccine, to off-site clinics located at employer sites, churches, malls, and various other community locations, with the intent to keep people healthy during the annual flu season rather than having them experience extended illnesses and loss of productivity.
Diabetes management offered by an employer group in a self-funded health plan over 3 years resulted in significant cost savings and improved patient outcomes.
Moving erlotinib from formulary tier 3 to tier 2 resulted in lower copayments and higher treatment persistence among lung cancer patients.
This Continuing Education activity is supported by an educational grant from Amgen.
The latest DrugStats database list shows the medications with increasing numbers of prescriptions.
A lack of biomarkers can result in a delay in multiple sclerosis diagnosis and treatment.
The cost of complex therapies is soaring, and the challenge is to deliver access to these medications in the most cost-effective and clinically appropriate site of service.
Even with many new developments over the past century, the coordinated use of blood glucose monitors, diabetes medications, and insulin to manage the disease may be too intricate for some patients.