A new combination drug-device product uses novel technology.
SSRIs have been shown to inhibit reuptake of serotonin in platelets, ultimately impairing platelet aggregation.
Several pharmacy owners are working with innovative companies that have new products, effective programs, or innovative services that address these issues, and when implemented make it possible to their pharmacy to be profitable.
When insomnia begins to negatively impact a patient's quality of life, pharmacists can explain the nonpharmalogic and pharmalogic treatment options.
Pharmacists can assist with advising patients who present with quality concerns to use CBD products that provide certificates of analyses, and catch significant drug interactions before they occur.
The prevalence of obesity has reached 39.8% of Americans, affecting 93.3 million of US adults.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of linezolid versus daptomycin for vancomycin-resistant enterococcus bacteremia?
A new wave of mobile applications encourages disease management on the go.
This study evaluates the impact of patient cost sharing on the probability of receiving disease-modifying therapies and treatment compliance among patients with multiple sclerosis.
Credit cards offer many conveniences-they can replace cash, are accepted virtually everywhere, and offer rewards like frequent flier miles.
Interactive, real-time, 24/7 patient connections will change the way patient care is delivered and offer new ways of doing business for specialty pharmacy.
Pharmacies must be ready to store, handle, administer, and follow up per local, national, and state regulations.
Independent pharmacies must stay on top of developing trends across the specialty pharmacy landscape.
Diabetic patients who received non-invasive shockwave therapy for frozen shoulder had improved range of motion and diminished pain.
The latest information technology infrastructure and communication tools should be used to communicate research without compromising nuances of the content for individual patients.
This study of patients treated with pregabalin or duloxetine found that pregabalin prior authorization policies were associated with increased exposure to potential medication-medication and medication-condition interactions.
Since Albert Benjamin Prescott revolutionized our practice in the early 19th century with the abandonment of the apprenticeship model in favor of didactic learning, the process of developing pharmacists has undergone many changes.
Selecting an accreditation agency should be determined by the local business environment and needs.
The Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy has been awarded a Health Resources and Services Administration grant to establish a multidisciplinary rural mobile clinic to provide health care for residents of Hardin County, Ohio.
A review and assessment of proposed rule changes governing 340B programs.
This study highlights the implications of noncompliance with the use of in-network providers for immunization services, shedding light on value-based benefits design to promote access to recommended vaccinations.
This Continuing Education activity is supported by an educational grant from sanofi-aventis U.S.
A holistic, focused approach to patients ensures that pharmacy needs are met and optimal treatment results are achieved. The close coordination of the entire health care team for individual therapeutic care is the goal.