
Cold/Flu Podcast #4

Covering Key Finding #4 - Pharmacists feel it is important to treat a cold at the first sign of symptoms, though they report that most patients do not do so

• The fourth of five audio podcasts is now available at and

• Although pharmacists recommend purchasing OTC cold and flu products at the first sign of symptoms, they report that most patients wait longer. In fact, the survey showed, 75 percent of pharmacists say most patients should purchase over-the-counter (OTC) cold and flu products at the first sign of symptoms, while only 26 percent of their patients take this proactive approach.

• Roundtable attendees agreed that patients wait too long to treat their symptoms and are unaware of treatments that shorten the duration of a cold. Further discussion focused on how pharmacy students play a pivotal role in OTC recommendations, early treatment options and patient care.

• Next week’s FINAL podcast, will show why pharmacists rank efficacy as the top consideration when providing counsel about OTC cold and flu products.

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