
Using Data to Identify Companion Vaccines

David Pope, PharmD, CDE, chief innovation officer at OmniSYS, and John King, CEO of OmniSYS, discuss how they use data to identify companion vaccines at the point-of-care.

David Pope, PharmD, CDE, chief innovation officer at OmniSYS, and John King, CEO of Omnisys, discuss how they use data to identify companion vaccines at the point-of-care. This video was filmed at the 2019 NACDS Total Store Expo in Boston.


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John King: Three years ago, we built this product, OmniLINK, and the focus of OmniLINK—think of it as the intersection of marketing automation, clinical decision support, and big data. Leveraging the information that we have, we realized that we could help a pharmacist, while they're administering a flu shot, identify if a companion vaccine was appropriate for either Prevnar or Pneumovax. So coding in the ACIP guidelines into our platform as a clinical ruleset, combined with other chain-specific and manufacturer-specific rules, we then could deploy that to the point-of-care for the pharmacist.

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