Top news of the day from across the health care landscape.
A new study using 2 decades’ worth of data identified disparities in HIV outcomes across more than 25,000 individuals living with HIV in Tennessee, The American Journal of Managed Care reported. According to the article, the researchers found that race played a role in disease progression and mortality risk, with those who were black being more likely to have their infection progress to AIDS and more likely to die of all causes compared with those who were white. Additionally, age also played a role in outcomes, with those dying before AIDS diagnoses more likely to be older than those who were diagnosed with AIDS, the article reported.
A recent survey suggests that oncologists are less likely than primary care physicians to advise patients on lifestyles changes that could improve overall health and potentially reduce the risk of recurrence, Reuters reported. According to the article, the researchers surveyed 91 Northwestern physicians, including 30 oncologists, 30 primary care physicians, and 31 physicians in other specialties who treat survivors of prostate cancer, breast cancer, melanoma. Overall, 90% of primary care physicians said they recommend lifestyle changes such as weight loss and smoking cessation to at least some cancer survivors, compared with 26.7% of oncologists and 9.7% of specialists, the article reported.
An Illinois patient who died after contracting a serious lung disease after vaping may be the first vaping-related death in the United States, The Associated Press reported. According to the article, officials with the CDC said that 193 individuals in 22 states have contracted severe respiratory illnesses after vaping. However, they noted that a clear-cut common cause of the illnesses hasn’t been identified and that the potential cases are still under investigation, the article reported.