Top news of the day from across the health care landscape.
The risk of heart failure is greater in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) from anthracycline use in chemotherapy, reported The American Journal of Managed Care. The researchers analyzed data from a group of 450 patients treated at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania between January 2004 and April 2018. After accounting for acute leukemia subtype, heart failure occurred more often in patients with AML than ALL.
Telemedicine could potentially expand infectious disease expertise to underserved areas, thereby reducing mortality and improving clinical outcomes in those areas, according to Contagion Live. A research team at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis searched various medical databases in order to review the current evidence for clinical effectiveness of telemedicine infectious disease consultations. After initial positive results in patient satisfaction and overall mortality, the study authors noted that their findings serve as a call to action for infectious disease physicians and researchers to publish their clinical outcomes from the telemedicine they are conducting.
Women experiencing medically high-risk pregnancy are stressed by their condition and hospitalization, which leads to further distress, according to MD Magazine. A team of investigators at Rutgers University School of Social Work interviewed 16 women hospitalized during high-risk pregnancies and found that trying to manage their emotions alone added extra burden to something that was already stressful. The findings suggest that professional intervention using visualization, mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral work, or forms of psychotherapy could all be useful to help the vulnerable population.