
This World Standards Week, USP Sheds Light on Key Shifts in Standards Development

World Standards Week is October 25 to 29, so Pharmacy Times interviewed Jaap Venema, PhD, EVP and CSO at USP, on some of the key shifts that have occurred in USP’s standards development during the COVID-19 pandemic.

World Standards Week is October 25 to 29, so Pharmacy Times interviewed Jaap Venema, PhD, the executive vice president and chief science officer at US Pharmacopeia (USP), on some of the shifts that have occurred in USP’s standards development process due to the need for immediate responses to complex problems during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This discussion is the fifth video in the video series collaboration between Pharmacy Times and USP that highlights USP’s work to support the pharmacist and perspective on timely and topical issues in the field.

During the discussion, Venema shared some examples of how standard development timing has changed during the pandemic and the impact this shift has had on the field, some examples of complex problems that arose that required the support that USP and a standard could provide, the role of pharmacists in solving the complex problems the pharmacy field often presents, and what the future of standards may look like on the road ahead.

Join this discussion with Pharmacy Times and USP on social media using the hashtag #WorldStandardsWeek.

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