Jonathan Ogurchak, PharmD, CSP, sits down with Specialty Pharmacy Times to discuss the goals and importance of his company, Stack, during the NASP Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
Jonathan Ogurchak, PharmD, CSP, sits down with Specialty Pharmacy Times to discuss the goals and importance of his company, Stack, during the NASP Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
JO: So, stack was designed to be a solution for pharmacies to manage everything outside of the fill. So, there’s a lot of great solutions on the market right now for receipt of referral through dispense a prescription, but where pharmacies tend to struggle is all of the other stuff that’s needed to best drive their operations and keep the contracts, keep the accreditations that they need to drive revenue. And so, Stack allows pharmacies to upload any asset that they have that’s used to manage their business, they can tag it with some content that’s curated from our end or they can create their own. And it helps makes things searchable, organizable, you can schedule to do’s, you can schedule follow-ups, you can schedule tests with a pin-number just to prove that people are completing trainings and reading documents as they need to. But it really helps to build an ecosystem for a pharmacy that makes things readily available to drive their business operations.