Specialty Pharmacy Times Adds American Academy of HIV Medicine as Strategic Alliance Partner


Specialty Pharmacy Times announced this week that the American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM) has joined a rapidly growing list of Strategic Alliance Partners. Specialty Pharmacy Times is the sister publication to the No. 1 pharmacy industry journal, Pharmacy Times.

The Specialty Pharmacy Times Strategic Alliance Partnership program facilitates high-level collaboration and the exchange of up-to-the moment industry intelligence that ultimately increases visibility throughout the pharmacy industry.

The AAHIVM supports HIV care providers though continuing medical education; credentialing of HIV specialists, experts, and pharmacists; practice management information; advocacy for care providers at the federal and state levels for issues relevant to clinical and professional support; and the advancement of health care resources for HIV-infected patients.

With the addition of AAHIVM, Specialty Pharmacy Times has now secured more than 30 partnerships with key pharmacy industry organizations.

Click here to visit the AAHIVM web site for more information.


About Specialty Pharmacy Times

Specialty Pharmacy Times is a leading industry journal serving the business and practice of specialty pharmaceuticals and therapy. The journal focuses on key areas surrounding specialty pharmaceuticals and the enhanced practice needs of pharmacists in this arena. The journal is available at www.specialtypharmacytimes.com.

SOURCE: Specialty Pharmacy Times

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