
Pharmacy Times: Week of February 22 Lineup

This week on Pharmacy Times, there are a number of important topics that will be covered and posted throughout the week.

This week on Pharmacy Times, there are a number of important topics that will be covered and posted throughout the week, including:

  • A video interview with J. David Robertson, the director of University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), on how a new collaboration between MURR and Advanced Accelerator Applications International will help to develop a targeted therapy for certain types of cancerous tumors.
  • An article from the recent Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing Healthcare 2021 virtual symposium, which discusses the main challenges surrounding COVID-19 vaccination—increasing vaccine production and delivery. The presentation noted that the faster people are vaccinated, the fewer opportunities there will be for variant versions of COVID-19 to spread and for more variants to emerge.

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