

Pharmacy School Celebrates Reopening of Riot-Damaged Rite Aid

The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy recently celebrated the reopening of the nearby Rite Aid that was damaged during the Freddie Gray protests back in April.

The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy recently celebrated the reopening of the nearby Rite Aid that was damaged during the Freddie Gray protests back in April.

School of Pharmacy Dean Natalie D. Eddington, PhD, FCP, FAAPS, attended the opening ceremony at the Rite Aid, located just a few blocks away from the pharmacy school, on October 20, 2015.

In a press release, the school noted that State Senator for the 40th District Catherine Pugh highlighted Dr. Eddington and the pharmacy school in her remarks.

“I know that you do a lot of work on behalf of our community to make sure that not only are there prescription drugs available, [but also] that we’re making sure that we keep our community healthy,” Pugh said. “And we can’t do that if we don’t have these kind of institutions in our neighborhoods.”

Susan Henderson, senior vice president and chief communications officer at Rite Aid, also thanked Dr. Eddington and the school.

“We have our friends from across the street, thank you so much,” Henderson said. “They have been very, very helpful to us and working with us for many, many years, the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Dean Natalie Eddington and her colleagues.”

Congressman Elijah Cummings noted the importance of the reopening, calling pharmacies “survival stations.”