Tom Kraus, of ASHP, says pharmacists should play an active role in advocating for policy changes and legislative actions.
In this clip, ASHP Vice President of Government Relations Tom Kraus, JD, discusses the role pharmacists can play in advocacy. This video was filmed during the2019 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Summer Meeting in Boston, MA.
Tom Kraus, MHS, JD: “I think it’s really important that pharmacists recognize that they have a role in advocacy. It’s important for them to be engaged in their state, there are opportunities for them to be engaged at the national level through grassroots advocacy to members of Congress by writing about topics that they’re concerned about, by reaching out to ASHP and engaging with the national organization as part of our advocacy efforts, and including opportunities to contact your members of congress both in their local districts and opportunities to engage in Washington, D.C.”