Ben Harding, a P4 student, discusses the scenario of being a pharmacy student during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ben Harding, a PharmD candidate at Auburn University's Harrison School of Pharmacy in Alabama, discusses the scenario of being a pharmacy student during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ben Harding: Hi everyone, my name is Ben Harding, and I'm a fourth year pharmacy student currently on my medicine rotation.
So far the situation has been both concerning and exciting. It's concerning because there is a chance that my rotation may be cancelled, and I don't want that to happen. But we have developed back-up plans just in case.
On the flip side, it is quite exciting to see a pandemic happen in real life, and to see how the hospitals respond, as well as the health care professionals.
This is a scenario that is not going to happen for most students, so I think it's a great learning experience, something to take with me in my future practice.
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