Opioid Lawsuits Highlight AJPB Week in Review


Top articles of the week from The American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits.

5. Risk-Adjustment Reimbursement May Fall Short in Some Cases

Risk adjustment must be effective to achieve insurance market reform and expand coverage to new enrollees. Read more.

4. Hope May Be A Useful Strategy in Promoting Preventive Health Care

Patients are more likely to take action when public health messages instill hope. Read more.

3. Organ-on-Chip Technology Simulates Human Reaction to Hepatitis B Virus

An artificial liver infected with hepatitis B demonstrates physiological reaction of a real human liver. Read more.

2. Out-of-Pocket Costs Increase for Patients with Multiple Chronic Diseases

As cost increases, patient adherence decreases among patients with multiple chronic conditions. Read more.

1. Opioid Lawsuit Places Blame on Pharmacy Benefit Managers

Pharmacy benefit managers may be held responsible for easing access to opioids. Read more.

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