MJH Life Sciences Celebrates 25 Years

Pharmacy TimesSeptember 2024
Volume 90
Issue 09

The parent company of Pharmacy Times, MJH Life Sciences, is celebrating its 25th anniversary in September 2024. To highlight this important milestone, I want to express our gratitude for your readership.

Doctor, handshake and partnership in healthcare, medicine or trust for collaboration, unity or support at lab. Team of medical experts shaking hands in teamwork for agreement or success at pharmacy - Image credit: Malik E/peopleimages.com | stock.adobe.com

Image credit: Malik E/peopleimages.com | stock.adobe.com

Reflecting on the changes over the past 25 years, the innovation in health care has been nothing short of miraculous. Together, we have witnessed significant advances that have cured some diseases and made others that were terminal into chronic conditions. We have also navigated economic fluctuations and the introduction of new laws, policies, and payment models that have significantly shifted the reimbursement landscape. Throughout these changes and into the future, MJH is committed to providing high-quality information and education.

Starting with a single brand and quickly growing across key areas, we have launched thousands of video programs, developed innovative conferences, and held thousands of virtual and live events. Throughout this growth, we have remained committed to speed, quality, and you, as your readership has made many of these achievements possible.

Our passion for improving health care has been the driving force behind our continued evolution over the past 25 years, and we thank you for joining us on this journey. We look forward to expanding our reach to deliver high-quality expert knowledge, insights, and research for the next 25 years and beyond.

Thank you for your partnership as we seek to improve health care together. And as always, thank you for reading Pharmacy Times.

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