Key Takeaway from the Oncology Drug Pipeline


Cheryl Allen, BSPharm, MBA, Vice President of Industry Relations at Diplomat Pharmacy, discusses the rapidly changing oncology market and what to look for in the drug pipeline.

Cheryl Allen, BSPharm, MBA, Vice President of Industry Relations at Diplomat Pharmacy, discusses the rapidly changing oncology market and what to look for in the drug pipeline.


This is a rapidly changing market. So as we prepare to look at what’s happening in oncology right here today and we looking into the future, we’re looking maybe 1 year out. But if we look at what we were looking at a year ago, it’s changed. So this is a rapidly changing market. We’ll continue to look at approvals much, much earlier. And one thing that’s important in the space is to look at biosimilars and specialty generics, along with how we’ve always monitored the pipeline for the oncology agents.

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