
FDA Approves Quadracel Vaccine

Quadracel is indicated for active immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and poliomyelitis.

Officials from Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine division of Sanofi, announced the availability of their new pediatric vaccine formulation in the United States.

Quadracel (diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis adsorbed and inactivated poliovirus, or DTaP-IPV) vaccine is indicated for active immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and poliomyelitis in children ages 4-6 years old.

Quadracel provides both the CDC-recommended fifth dose of DTaP vaccine series and fourth dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine series in a single shot for children who have begun their immunizations with Pentacel.

“Far too many children remain undervaccinated against serious diseases like pertussis, polio, and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease,” David P. Greenberg, MD, Associate Vice President and Regional Medical Head North America of Sanofi Pasteur, said in a press release, “When Quadracel is used in children who started their immunization series with Pentacel (DTaP-IPV/Hib), it can save an extra shot and may help improve vaccination coverage for children through 6 years of age.”

A small risk of allergic reactions is associated with the vaccine. Other adverse effects include redness, swelling, tenderness at the injection site, fever, fussiness, and abnormal crying.


Sanofi Pasteur Announces the Availability of Quadracel DTaP-IPV Vaccine for Children 4 Through 6 Years of Age in the US [news release]. Pennsylvania. Sani Pasteur’s website. Accessed Feb. 1, 2017.

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