Top news of the week from Specialty Pharmacy Times.
5. Barbershops Serve as Platform to Encourage Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Black Men
Study findings highlight the importance of community-based health interventions that target cancer prevention. Read more…
4. NASP Supports Lawsuit Against CVS Alleging Customers Were Overcharged for Certain Drugs
The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy expresses concern about fraud driving escalating drug costs. Read more…
3. AbbVie’s New Hepatitis C Treatment Won’t Cure Patient Access Issue
Issues surrounding patents for curative drugs allow pharmaceutical companies to establish a market monopoly and charge astronomical prices. Read more…
2. NASP Strikes Back at DIR Fee Study Claiming Cost Savings for Medicare
National Association of Specialty Pharmacy states that direct and indirect remuneration fees increase drug costs for seniors. Read more…
1. NASP President Speaks About PBM Regulation and DIR Fees
Rebecca Shanahan, JD, chief executive officer of Avella Specialty and president of the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy discusses how legislation can impact direct and indirect remuneration fees. Read more…