

Specialty Pharmacy Times

June 2012
Issue 3

Cancer Care: High Costs, Innovative Solutions


Taking a comprehensive look at the ever-changing and always challenging oncology scene, we present a variety of topics and voices to understand this complex world and the significant impact of specialty pharmacists.

Taking a comprehensive look at the ever-changing and always challenging oncology scene, we present a variety of topics and voices to understand this complex world and the significant impact of specialty pharmacists.

In this special issue of Specialty Pharmacy Times, we take a deep dive into the world of oncology with insightful, authoritative articles by expert authors who bring clarity to the complex world of cancer. Emerging cancer treatments, new models of patient care for greater adherence, and the high cost of medications are all part of the story. This is our second annual special issue devoted to oncology—the first served as a primer for a state-of-the- art review of this critical topic in specialty pharmacy, and we are proud to present this newest edition.

One of the great strengths of Specialty Pharmacy Times is the diverse perspectives we bring together from various disciplines and segments of the market. The result? No less than a comprehensive look at the ever-changing and always challenging oncology scene. It is just that combination of voices—from the pharmacy bench, the c-suite, the lab, and the patient’s home—that weaves together to create a multidimensional approach to this human condition.

You’ll read about the importance of the new oral oncolytics and what is being accomplished today to guide patients to their proper use and optimal results—along with what is in store for tomorrow. Our authors bring cutting-edge vision and practical solutions to the discussion with a clarity that is hard to find elsewhere.

You’ll also learn how data drives the bus. Editor-in-Chief Dan Steiber calls data “the most common thread that links optimal specialty care.” He is absolutely correct about the intense need for accuracy and technology in this high-touch, high-cost environment. As companies pour billions of dollars into cancer research and new drugs are coming to the marketplace at a very fast pace, it is important to take look at the landscape, take stock of the challenges and opportunities, and forge new paths.

In any discussion of cancer, beyond the science, cost, and emerging treatments, one cannot overlook the patient. Specialty pharmacists, in conjunction with specialty nurses, physicians, and payers, work diligently to help individuals with cancer, whatever form it may take, find their way on this most difficult journey.

Specialty Pharmacy Times is here to chart the waters and offer a myriad of possibilities by providing a platform for industry leaders in specialty pharmacy to voice their key concerns—in their own words. It’s our way of contributing to the high-cost world of cancer, where the ultimate goal is to help the patients enjoy the best quality of life. SPT

Thank you for reading!

Mike Hennessy

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