The Board of Pharmacy Specialties has issued a call for nominations for specialist (board-certified pharmacists) and non-specialist pharmacists to serve on each of its 6 Specialty Councils.
February 10, 2015
Board Certified Pharmacist and Non-Specialist Positions Available
Washington, DC - The Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) today issues a Call for Nominations for Specialist (Board Certified Pharmacists) and Non-Specialist Pharmacists to serve on each of its six Specialty Councils.
The term of appointment for BPS Specialty Council members for this call is January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018. BPS must receive nomination materials by Wednesday, April 15, 2015. The Councils will review nominations during their business meetings from May through July, and the BPS Board of Directors will confirm appointments in October 2015.
Specialty Councils exist for the following purposes:
Specialist Position (Board Certified Pharmacist): Pharmacists holding BPS Board Certification in the pharmacy specialty area under the responsibility of the Council are eligible to apply.
Non-Specialist Position (non-Board Certified Pharmacist in that Specialty): Pharmacists who do not hold Board certification in the pharmacy specialty area under the responsibility of the Council are eligible to apply. Non-specialists should have practice expertise that is complementary to but distinct from the specialty area. A Non-specialist member must not be Board-eligible in the specialty area for consideration, but may hold board certification in other specialty areas.
Prospective Specialty Council members must have at least five (5) years of dedicated experience in the specialty practice area. Specialty Councils should be comprised of pharmacists with extensive practice expertise and a variety of practice settings. Participation on other licensure or certification boards, and experience as an item writer are preferred, but not required.
BPS has outlined ideal expertise, practice setting, and experience of prospective Board Certified Pharmacist and Non-Specialist Pharmacist nominees based on the needs of each Specialty Council for this appointment cycle. Please note that the Specialty Councils strive to maintain a mix of practice expertise and practice setting. As such, the needs of each Specialty Council are different and will vary from appointment cycle to appointment cycle. A description of desired characteristics and a link to nomination materials are provided below.
Deadline Date
Desired Characteristics and Nomination Submission Links for eash position
Ambulatory Care Pharmacy - Interested candidates should carefully review and consider the qualifications, position duties, responsibilities, and time commitment for Specialist Member and Non-Specialist Member of the Specialty Council as well as the following desired characteristics.
Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Specialist (2 BCACP positions open)
Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Non-Specialist (1 non-BCACP position open)
Nuclear Pharmacy - Interested candidates should carefully review and consider the qualifications, position duties, responsibilities, and time commitment for Specialist Member and Non-Specialist Member of the Specialty Council as well as the following desired characteristics.
Nuclear Pharmacy Specialist (2 BCNP positions open)
Nuclear Pharmacy Non-Specialist (1 non-BCNP position open)
Nutrition Support Pharmacy - Interested candidates should carefully review and consider the qualifications, position duties, responsibilities, and time commitment for Specialist Member and Non-Specialist Member of the Specialty Council as well as the following desired characteristics.
Nutrition Support Pharmacy (2 BCNSP positions open)
Nutrition Support Pharmacy Non-Specialist (1 non-BCNSP position open)
Oncology Pharmacy - Interested candidates should carefully review and consider the qualifications, position duties, responsibilities, and time commitment for Specialist Member and Non-Specialist Member of the Specialty Council as well as the following desired characteristics.
Oncology Pharmacy Non-Specialist (1 non-BCOP position open)
Pharmacotherapy Specialists - Interested candidates should carefully review and consider the qualifications, position duties, responsibilities, and time commitment for Specialist Member and Non-Specialist Member of the Specialty Council as well as the following desired characteristics.
Pharmacotherapy Specialist (2 BCPS positions open)
Pharmacotherapy Non-Specialist (1 non-BCPS position open)
Psychiatric Pharmacy - Interested candidates should carefully review and consider the qualifications, position duties, responsibilities, and time commitment for Specialist Member and Non-Specialist Member of the Specialty Council as well as the following desired characteristics.
Psychiatric Pharmacy Specialist (2 BCPP positions open)
Psychiatric Pharmacy Non-Specialist (1 non-BCPP position open)
Contact Brian Lawson, BPS Director of Professional Affairs at or 202-429-4116.
About the Board of Pharmacy Specialties
The Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) was established in 1976 as an autonomous division of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA). The mission of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties is to improve patient care and increase awareness of the need for BPS Board Certified Pharmacists as integral members of multidisciplinary healthcare teams through recognition and promotion of specialized training, knowledge, and skills in pharmacy and specialty board certification and recertification of pharmacists throughout the world.
Board Certification through BPS has become recognized as the gold standard for determining which pharmacists are qualified to contribute at advanced practice levels. Through the rigorous standards mandated by BPS board certification and recertification, the BPS board certified pharmacist stands out as the most qualified to take on today's expanding professional expectations.