Clinical practice guideline on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination can improve prevention of cervical cancer.
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) released a clinical practice guideline on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for the primary prevention of cervical cancer. The updated guidelines are designed for different regions worldwide based on varying socio-economic and structural resource settings.
The recommendations are divided according to 4 levels of resource settings: basic, limited, enhanced, and maximal.
For all environments and independent of resource settings:
For maximal and enhanced resource settings:
For limited and basic resource settings:
For vaccination of boys in all settings, boys may be vaccinated if there is at least 50% coverage in the priority female target population, sufficient resources, and such vaccination is cost-effective.
The guidelines were developed by a multinational and multidisciplinary panel of oncology, obstetrics/gynecology, public health, cancer control, epidemiology/biostatistics, health economics, behavioral/implementation science, and patient advocacy experts.
Arrossi S, Temin S, Garland S, et al. Primary prevention of cervical cancer. ASCO. Mar. 17, 2017. doi: 10.1200/JGO.2016.008151.
First Global Guidance for HPV Vaccination for Cervical Cancer Prevention [news release]. Virginia. ASCO’s website. Accessed Mar. 20, 2017.