Pharmacy Times
At least 1million innercityand ruralyouth will soonhave the opportunitytolearn about acareer in pharmacy.The initiative is part of CVS/pharmacy's partnership withAmerica's Promise—The Alliance forYouth.
The pledge was announced at theofficial kickoff of the nationalPathways to Pharmacy program for2007. CVS/pharmacy started the programin 2000 to help underprivilegedyouth take the first step in a pharmacycareer. Because becoming a pharmacistinvolves at least 6 years offocused graduate and undergraduatestudy, and graduate pharmacy programshave a low percentage of blackand Hispanic students, CVS/pharmacyhopes to make the path more accessibleto disadvantaged students. In addition,as many pharmacists retire overthe next decade, and, in anticipationof growing pharmaceutical needsnationwide, the retail chain is helpingto prepare the next generation ofpharmacists and pharmacy technicians.