Pharmacy Times
The new acting FDAChief of Staff will havemore than a noddingfamiliarity with theregulatory concernsof America's pharmacists.She is Susan C.Winckler, RPh, Esq—an attorney-pharmacist who joined theFDA recently after serving as vice presidentfor policy and communications andstaff counsel for the American PharmacistsAssociation (APhA).
In her position with the APhA, Wincklerwas responsible for coordinating the association'slegislative, regulatory, and privatesector advocacy agenda and public relationsprograms. In her new role at the FDA,she will coordinate staff activities in theOffice of the Commissioner and serve asthe principal liaison to the Department ofHealth and Human Services.
"Susan has taken a leadership role onimportant policy initiatives, such as theimplementation of improvements to ourAdvisory Committee process," said ActingFDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach,MD. "She has a distinguishedrecord of public health leadership and willbring her perspective as health careprovider to the management challenges ofthis important post."