Pharmacy Times
Communication between pharmacists and patients is increasing, and consumersare more likely than ever to seek advice from pharmacists aboutdrugs, the American Pharmacists Association's (APhA) new pharmacy consumersurvey found.
Nearly 2 of every 3 persons (65%) filling a prescription for the first time werelikely to ask their pharmacist a question, concluded the APhA survey. At the sametime, however, officials at the pharmacy group were distressed to learn that personalrelations between pharmacists and patients appear to be suffering.
Only 20% of the consumers polled for the 2006 survey said that they are on afirst-name basis with their pharmacist. This finding is a source of concern forAPhA because "previous pharmacy consumer surveys have found that patientswho know their pharmacist by name are much more likely to seek advice."
"There's a clear connection between [consumers], their relationship with thepharmacist, and their knowledge of how to use medications," said APhAPharmacists Month Spokesperson Karen Reed, BPharm. "Without the rightknowledge, medications can be ineffective—and downright risky."