Pharmacy Times has started a new chapterin its 6-year history. The pharmacy networkrecently completed the management-led buyoutfrom its former parent company, theNational Association of Chain Drug Stores(NACDS), with funding provided by a privateinvestor., established by NACDSin 2000, will now expand beyond retail pharmacyto encompass all pharmacies and providenetwork access to managed care organizationswhose goals are to communicatedirectly with pharmacy. The expansion of thenetwork will include the addition of trustedindustry data resources and analytics that willimprove communication and measurableresults for all involved—pharmacies, manufacturers,and managed care organizations,according to Todd Grover, ChainDrugStore.netpresident.
"NACDS developed tolevel the playing field for all pharmacies. Wewill continue to build on that model, whileemphasizing the importance of pharmacy andits integral role in health care," he said.