Pharmacy Times
AmerisourceBergen Corp's GoodNeighbor Pharmacy network is now afounding member of SureScripts. Membershipin SureScripts proves AmerisourceBergen'scontinued commitmentto help independent pharmacies preparefor and derive value from electronic prescribing(e-prescribing). The SureScriptsenrollment is a step in ensuring thatGood Neighbor Pharmacies will have thenecessary tools for e-prescribing, thusimproving clinical, economic, and operationalefficiencies.
Good Neighbor Pharmacies acrossthe country (>2400) will be providedwith help to make a smooth transitionto e-prescribing through a connectionto the SureScripts Electronic PrescribingNetwork. Access to e-prescribing willim-prove the pharmacies' efficiency inthe prescribing process by avoiding theneed for manual data entry, faxes, andphone calls, and will enhance the safetyof the process by eliminating the potentialfor misunderstandings based onpoor handwriting and medications withsimilar names.
The new Health and Human Services(HHS) regulations support e-prescribingfor Medicare Part D. As part of theMedicare Modernization Act, Medicarewill require pharmacies participating inthe prescription drug benefit to endorsee-prescribing. HHS is creatingstandards and steps to encourage theadoption of e-prescribing. Amerisource-Bergen will work with Good NeighborPharmacy members to complete connectivityto the SureScripts networkand launch physician outreach into thecommunity.