Pharmacy Times
Caffeinated beverages are not goodfor patients with type 2 diabetes, basedon the findings of a small study reportedin Diabetes Care (August 2004). A studyof 14 regular coffee drinkers showed alink between caffeine at mealtime and increasedglucose and insulin levels. Theparticipants had had type 2 diabetes forat least 6 months, took medications forthe disease, but did not require insulin.
For the study, the researchers evaluatedhow much caffeine the participantsdrank over a week. Also, the participantswere given 2 125-mg caffeine capsulesor a placebo, which were taken with acommercial liquid meal (BoostR) thathas 75 g of carbohydrates. The patient'sblood glucose levels were measuredbefore and after taking the caffeine pills.The results showed that caffeine did notaffect glucose and insulin levels afterfasting. Yet, the participants who drankthe liquid and then took a caffeine pillexperienced a 21% rise in glucose and a48% increase in insulin levels, comparedwith the participants taking the placebo.The researchers concluded that diabeticsshould lower or eliminate caffeine intheir diets.
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