Submission of Articles

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Articles submitted to Pharmacy Times® web publication, Pharmacy Times® (PHTM) print publication, Pharmacy Practice in Focus: Oncology™ (PPFO) print publication, Pharmacy Practice in Focus: Health Systems™ (PPFHS) print publication, and Pharmacy Careers™ digital publication typically are 550-2000 words in length and follow AMA style (11th edition).

Article Specifications:

  • Article title (<10 words) should be concise and stimulate reader interest
  • Full names of each author, followed by their highest academic degree and additional credentials
  • Institutional affiliations and titles for each author
  • Name and email information of corresponding author
  • Precis (<25 words, concise summary of the article)
  • Indication of the funding source (including grant numbers, grant agencies, corporations, or sponsors)

Text. Article text should be in a Word document in 12-pt font size, with citations included throughout the article with a corresponding list of references at the end of the article following AMA Manual of Style (11th edition). Any tables, figures, and legends included with the article can either be placed in the article document or submitted alongside the article as a jpeg or gif. Cited references, tables, and figures should be in sequential order.

Abbreviations or acronyms must be spelled out in full on first appearance in the text, followed by its abbreviation in parentheses. Additionally, state the generic name (not the trade/brand name) for all pharmaceutical products, with the trade/brand name and manufacturer in parentheses following the first mention of the pharmaceutical product.

References. It is the responsibility of the authors to include and verify all references, which should conform to the AMA Manual of Style (11th edition). References should be cited in the text sequentially as a superscripted number after any punctuation mark. Two references are cited separated by a comma, with no space. Three or more consecutive references are given as a range with a hyphen.

Per AMA style, references should be numbered sequentially in the order they appear in the text (do not alphabetize author names in the references). Identify references with superscript Arabic numerals. References cited only in tables or figures should be numbered in accordance with the sequence established by the first mention of that particular table or figure in the text.

In the reference list, list authors and/or editors up to 6 names; if more than 6 authors, list the first 3 followed by et al. Journal references should include the issue number in parentheses after the volume number. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the journals list in PubMed.

References to papers accepted but not yet published should be designated as "in press" and included in the reference section. Information from articles submitted but not accepted should be cited in the text as "unpublished observations" with written permission from the source. Reference for "personal communication" that provides essential information not available from a public source, should include the name of the person, his or her degree, and the date of communication should be cited in parentheses in the text. In text, do not use footnotes; instead include them in parentheses in the body of the article. (Footnotes should only be used in tables and figures.)

Reference Style Samples

Journal Article, 6 or Fewer Authors
Skriver LKL, Nielsen MW, Walther S, Nørlev JD, Hangaard S. Factors associated with adherence or nonadherence to insulin therapy among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a scoping review. J Diabetes Complications. 2023;37(10):108596. doi:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2023.108596

Journal Article, More Than 6 Authors
Dietz WH, Solomon LS, Pronk N, et al. An integrated framework for the prevention and treatment of obesity and its related chronic diseases. Health Affairs (Millwood). 2015;34(9):1456-1463. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2015.0371

Journal Article, Authors and Organization
Hogan P, Dall T, Nikolov P; American Diabetes Association. Economic costs of diabetes in the US in 2002. Diabetes Care. 2003;26(3):917-932.

Online Journal Article
van der Kam S, Roll S, Swarthout T, et al. Effect of short-term supplementation with ready-to-use therapeutic food or micronutrients for children after illness for prevention of malnutrition: a randomised controlled trial in Uganda. PLoS Med. 2016;13(2):e1001951. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001951

Journal Article That Appears Online Before Print
Tamburini S, Shen N, Chih Wu H, Clemente JC. The microbiome in early life: implications for health outcomes. Nat Med. Published online July 7, 2016. doi:10.1038/nm4142

Journal Supplement
Johnson EM, Wortman MJ, Lundberg PS, Daniel DC. Orderly steps in progression of JC virus to virulence in the brain. Brain Disord Ther. 2015;4(suppl 2):2003. doi:10.4172/2168-975X.S2-003

Conference Abstract or Poster
Tannir N, Formiga MN, Agarwal N, et al. Bempegaldesleukin (BEMPEG) plus nivolumab (NIVO) compared to the investigator’s choice of sunitinib or cabozantinib in previously untreated advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC): results from a phase III randomized study (PIVOT-09). Paper presented at: European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2022; September 9-13, 2022; Paris, France. Session LBA68.

Etzel RA, Balk SJ, eds. Pediatric Environmental Health. American Academy of Pediatrics; 2011.

ASCO Education Book
Norton L. Cancer Log-Kill Revisited. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2014;34:3-7.

World Health Organization. Health Worker Roles in Providing Safe Abortion Care and Post-abortion Contraception. World Health Organization; 2015. Accessed August 15, 2016.

Chapter in a Book
Prince M, Glozier N, Sousa R, Dewey M. Measuring disability across physical, mental, and cognitive disorders. In: Regier DA, Narrow WE, Kuhl EA, Kupfer DJ, eds. The Conceptual Evolution of DSM-5. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc; 2011:189-227.

News Publication, Print or Website, Blog
1. Liptak A. Yale finds error in legal stylebook: contrary to claim, Harvard didn’t create it. New York Times. December 8, 2015:A24.
2. Narula SK. WHO has only declared three public health emergencies in its history—Zika virus just became the fourth. Quartz blog. February 1, 2016. Accessed August 16, 2016.
3. Guber S. When music is the best medicine. New York Times. September 26, 2019. Accessed September 30, 2019.

1. International Society for Infectious Diseases. ProMED-mail. Accessed February 10, 2016.
2. Charlton G. Internal linking for SEO: examples and best practices. SearchEngineWatch. Accessed February 10, 2016.
3. Zika travel information. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. January 26, 2016. Updated August 11, 2016. Accessed June 18, 2019.

Government/Organization/Agency Reports
1. US Department of Health and Human Services. Protection of human subjects. 45 CFR §46. Revised July 19, 2018. Accessed June 23, 2019.
2. World Health Organization. Infection prevention and control: recovery plans and implementation: Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone inter-country meeting: July 20-22, 2015. Accessed March 3, 2016.
3. Carpenter CS, McClellan CB, Rees DI. Economic conditions, illicit drug use, and substance use disorders in the United States. National Bureau of Economic Research working paper 22051. February 2016. Accessed March 3, 2016.
4. Johnson DL, O’Malley PM, Bachman JG, Schulenberg JE. HIV/AIDS: Risk & Protective Behaviors Among American Young Adults, 2004-2008. National Institute on Drug Abuse; 2010. Monitoring the Future. NIH publication 10-7586. June 2010. Accessed March 3, 2016.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines
NCCN. Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Bladder cancer, version 4.2019. Accessed September 30, 2019.

Clinical Trials
This is an exception to AMA 11, which leaves out the NCT and European registry numbers because those appear in the URLs.
1. Study of pembrolizumab (MK-3475) in participants with advanced solid tumors (MK-3475-158/KEYNOTE-158. Updated February 18, 2020. Accessed February 28, 2020.
2. Use of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) for enhanced early detection of colorectal neoplasms. German Cancer Research Center. Posted May 30, 2012. Accessed November 2, 2019.

PDQ: NCI’s Comprehensive Database. National Cancer Institute; 2015. Updated July 17, 2015. Accessed March 16, 2016.

Prescribing Information
Zithromax. Prescribing information. Pfizer; 2017. Accessed June 23, 2019.

Press/News Release
1. Dying in pursuit of the news. News release. Associated Press; March 30, 2015.
2. Device reduces risk of brain injury after heart valve replacement. News release. JAMA For the Media. August 4, 2016. Accessed August 18, 2016.

Graphic Elements. Inclusion of graphic elements (tables/figures) is encouraged.

Tables. Number all tables sequentially in the order they are cited in the text. Include a title for each table. All acronyms must be defined at the bottom of the table. Footnotes should be identified using superscript letters a,b,c (not asterisks or special symbols) and explained in a footnote to the table.

Please submit tables in an editable format, such as Word or Excel (not as a picture).

FiguresFigures are generally redrawn by our production team. Avoid the use of shading in bar graphs or pie charts (use color or crosshatch patterns instead). Number all figures sequentially in the order they are cited in the text. Include a title for each figure. All must be defined at the bottom of the figure. Footnotes should be identified using superscript (not asterisks or special symbols) and explained in a footnote. Any previously published figures must be accompanied by written permission from the publisher and/or copyright holder.

For Pharmacy Careers:

There are 5 difference type of articles for the Pharmacy Careers digital publication:

  • Features: about any topic relevant to pharmacy students or the future of pharmacy. These articles are typically 800 to 1000 words.
  • Student Voices: written by a current student. These are typically non-clinical, ranging from academic advice, a unique program started by a student, a unique angle the student is pursuing in the pharmacy industry, etc. These are 650 to 1000 words.
  • Viewpoints: written by a post-graduate student, faculty, a working pharmacist, etc. These can include career advice, an interesting topic relevant to students, or a unique career path. Ideally, these are 650 to 1000 words.
  • Influencers: written about anything social media related within the pharmacy space. For example, this could include tips on how to professionally use social media, how to maintain professionalism, or a profile of online pharmacy influencers. These are ideally 560 to 1000 words.
  • Mental Health Matters: includes anything mental health related, targeted at students or pharmacy professionals who are about to enter the workplace. These are typically 650 to 1000 words.

For information on text, references, figures, and tables, please see above. When submitting an article for Pharmacy Careers, please include a high-resolution headshot and short biography of your professional experience.

Article Submission Process:
All articles can be submitted directly to the editor for each publication. For the Pharmacy Times web publication, submit to Alana Hippensteele at and Aislinn Antrim at For the Pharmacy Times print publication, submit to Aislinn Antrim at For the Pharmacy Practice in Focus: Oncology print publication and the Pharmacy Practice in Focus: Health Systems print publication, submit to Alana Hippensteele at For the Pharmacy Careers digital publication, submit to Gillian McGovern at