Outlook: Clinical Trials
Outlook: Obesity Epidemic
Case Studies
Can You Read These Rxs?
From the Publisher: Three Components to a Pharmacist's Care
GERD Watch
Mental Health Watch
Compounding Hotline
Diabetes Watch
Pharmacy Technology News
Pharmacy Technology Products
News Capsules
Editor's Note: Health Care Reform
Pharmacy leadership has articulated 3 reform principles, and all pharmacists need to become familiar with them.
Drug Diversion and Abuse: A Pharmacist's Dilemma?
A pharmacist who sees an issue with a given prescription simply should not fill it.
Pharmacy Law: Overriding a Computer Alert Leads to Liability
Which of the involved parties should be held accountable when a pharmacist ignores a computer-generated alert and the patient subsequently dies?
Robinson's Tireless Work, Volunteerism Earn Her RESPy Award
Jamie Lynn Robinson's full plate of family, school, work, and volun
Many Americans Know Little About Mental Illness
Pharmacists can help educate patients about effective treatments for mental illness and improve Americans' understanding of this serious health problem.
When Anxiety Becomes a Disorder
This article provides medication-specific patients experiencing generalized anxiety disorder.
Pharmacist Rounds: Prompt Treatment Improves Outcomes for MS Patients
Multiple sclerosis is the most common neurologic disorder among individuals aged 20 to 40. Treatment should be initiated promptly to prevent further disability.
Health Systems Product News
Chronic Care Focus: The Recovering Addict
As many as 25% of the patients pharmacists interact with may have a current or past addiction problem. Pharmacists should know how to best care for patients who have addictions and are in recovery.
Editor's Note: Change, Compromise, and Making Progress
The election of the new president ushered in the theme, "a time for change." Pharmacy needs to stay abreast of these changes and plan and react accordingly.
Generic Product News
Generic News Capsules
At-Home Diagnostic Kits: A Growing Trend
When used correctly, at-home diagnostic tests can prompt patients to seek early medical intervention, which is why proper counseling is important.
Counseling Patients on Their OTC Treatment Options
Pharmacists are the "go to" source for patients seeking advice on their OTC options.
Incorporating Vaccination Services into Your Practice
Pharmacists can help achieve immunization goals?especially with influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations?by becoming immunization advocates, facilitators, and/or active immunizers.
Medication Safety: More Reasons to Stock Oral Syringes
Pharmacists should provide appropriate devices for measuring medications and ensure that the patient or caregiver understands how to properly use the device.
Patient Education: Depression: Beating the Blues
This article will help patients with depression to understand their treatment options and know what to expect from their medications.
Coagulation Counseling