Neoadjuvant, Adjuvant Therapy for Resectable NSCLC Progresses With Immunotherapy, Targeted Therapy
Significant advancements have changed the treatment landscape and clinical practice procedures.
Treatment-Free Remission in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Targeted therapies have greatly improved patient outcomes over the past 20 years.
Breast Cancer Research, Current Therapeutic Pipeline Provide Significant Advancements in Diagnosis, Treatment
Trends in treatment development involve more targeted, safe, and efficacious therapies.
Immunotherapy Makes Major Strides for First-line Treatment of Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Specific immune checkpoint inhibitors added to frontline chemotherapy have transformed modern clinical practice.
The Right Professional Connectivity May Get US Through the Challenges of an Age of Ultracommunication
A focus on developing positive connectivity among colleagues may help support hematology/oncology pharmacists’ efforts to advocate for roles that optimize their personal and institutional value.
Significant Opportunities Are Ahead to Improve Health Equity, Provide Patient-Centered Oncology Treatment, Care
Looking to 2023, there remain significant opportunities on the road ahead to improve patient outcomes and patient-centered oncology treatment and care.