Implementing a Health-System Specialty Pharmacy
September 10th 2018By establishing in-house specialty pharmacies, health systems can accelerate growth while offering patients innovative therapies, an enhanced experience, and clinically coordinated care that ultimately improves outcomes.
Lifelong Learning and Certification in Specialty Pharmacy
September 10th 2018Earning the CSP credential demonstrates a commitment to practice excellence and provides lifelong learning and growth within the specialty pharmacy industry and is a key indicator to employers, manufacturers, patients, payers, other health care providers, and the public that a professional is an expert in specialty pharmaceuticals.
What Is Genetic Discrimination, and How Can It Affect Us?
September 10th 2018Genetic discrimination occurs when people are treated differently by their employer or insurance company because they have a genetic mutation that causes or increases the risk of an inherited disorder or they have a familial history of a specific health condition.